Random Religious Doodads

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Was Touched By His Noodly Appendage

There were some pirates around campus today, proselytizing the faith of Pastafarianism. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, here is the link to their website.

On that note - it has always frustrated me how aggressive some of the more secular groups can be. One of the things that people stereotypically dislike about the devoutly religious is their tendency to present their own beliefs as superior or enlightened, or their attempts at converting random strangers.

Well, to the smug aggressive Atheists of the world, I say "cut it out, guys." There's no sense in mimicking the very behavior that you so smugly condemn. And the only difference between a missionary and an Atheist with a t-shirt like this one is that the missionary is more likely to be pleasant when he talks to you about his faith. Both individuals are trying to sell something to you, and both are doing it in a sneering way.

But, there's no need for me to do any ranting myself, here. That'd just be hypocritical.
I will say, however, that given how similarly most religions are based in things like love, peace, and goodwill, taking a hostile and superior stance towards religion as a whole isn't just excessive, - it's ignorant. And moreover, most atheists reject religion on the basis that it is frequently the cause of strife, violence, and conflict. Ultimately, both sides are interested in the same thing - peace.
The only time religion, or a lack of it, will lead to hostility is when neither side has taken the time to understand the opposing stance. So whether you're an atheist or a zealot, take the time to educate yourself.

That said, Pastafarianism is a hilarious bit of satire, with zero hostility. It's mostly just about things like stripper factories.

1 comment:

  1. pastafarianism is hilarious! i don't know if i already said this, but i have a copy of the gospel of the flying spaghetti monster in my dorm room if you ever want to check it out
